50. Weaponized Circumcision

Back in chapter 17, the covenant of circumcision was imposed upon Abraham and everyone in his household. This was done in order to emasculate the males under the covenant in order to emphasize God’s authority and ownership over the progeny. So circumcision then is an invitation to God’s community, and a physical reminder of one’s obedience and submission to God’s providence. So the idea here is that God is completely in control of all reproduction, as he also opens and closes women’s wombs as well. God is the sole judge. But here in chapter 34, we have an abuse of this practice. Certain characters will impose circumcision upon their enemies, using that as a weapon to weaken them, and then slaughter them in that compromised state. And it just so happens these characters are the progenitors of Israel’s priestly class. In other words, the upper echelon of society. Yikes. Let’s hear the story. Intro and outro music Copyright © Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved.
© Copyright Blaise Webster, Rowdy Wendland, 2021. All rights reserved.